It was... okay.
I'm pretty fond of original ideas. Avatar, The Godfather, and any of Disney's works. But all this game is, is just set pieces of practical movies tied together. A retiring cop on his last call of duty, a house where there have been 'mysterious' disappearances, and to top it all off, you pulled a Fight Club on us, yet without the same shock. You just met this character 'Orion' and knew nothing of him. He had no past to you, no future to you, he had absolutely nothing to you except the supposed skin on his bones. You shoot the groundskeeper, but he suddenly rises from the dead and is out to not let you enter. This typically didn't know what it wanted to be. Did it want to be funny? Did it want to be serious? Did it want to make some of the worst comparisons since Family Guy season 4? Some parts were serious, others just plain stupid. Sometimes things just don't mix. Originality is key, my friend. The only original thing in this game is the artwork which is good enough. I enjoyed looking at the illustrations. I really do not expect a sequel out of this, nor do I want one. No matter what you do to vary this piece with prequels and sequels, and sequels of sequels, and prequels of prequels, it will still linger on every single cliche ever made. I hate to trash on you, I really enjoyed this, but story is a key element in any type of novel, interactive or not. This is just a bit of constructive criticism, and nothing personal.